This About page is about my “Website Website”, Duane Bentzen.net. I created it to show you how I can help you grow your company by creating a web presence that’s done correctly. My goal is to get your site to the right people with the right content. Then we guide you through the maze that is the web, social media and ‘SEO’, giving you the appropriate tools to allow you to reach your goal. We’ll review the tools you are already using and show you how you can make them perform better. The choices of internet tools are almost endless. SEO, social media, websites, e-commerce, email, direct mail, YouTube, Google AdSense and a LOT much more. With so many options and variations, it’s understandable why there is so much confusion and lots of wasted time trying to understand what each offers AND how to use them. My team and I will get you through it easily. A lot more easily and at a lower cost than you may have come to believe.
Can you create a website for free? Yes, Wix, Weebly, GoDaddy, SiteBuilder and iPage all let you do that. I suggest you spend an afternoon trying to figure them out. No matter which ‘free’ site developer you choose, you’ll find frustration and a good deal of work. You’ll also find you’re locked into the few templates or themes they offer with little choice and insufficient options for what it is you want to do. I’ll take all that pain out of the experience for you. Whether you’re upgrading your existing site, creating a whole new site, or just need marketing expertise or SEO help, you won’t find a better solution than my consulting services.
People ask me how I know what I know about the internet. They say “You’re an old guy, what can you know about the internet?” There is a saying in Spanish: “El Diablo sabe más por viejo que por es El Diablo¡” The devil knows more because he is old than because he’s the devil. I have been using the internet since right after Al Gore ‘invented’ it in 1987 when my son was five years old. I was an early adapter of IBM’s PC, buying my first one in 1983.
Here’s a little history: In 1991, the world wide web was released by Cern to the world. I was introduced to the internet in 1995, almost 25 years ago, through CompuServe. I originally used the internet to find things, just like everyone else does today with Google. I used it to find clues about writing code, since most of the internet was a group of connections between universities. I’ve been using it ever since, building web sites and searching for information.
In 1993, Mosaic was invented, the start of the browsers. I worked for Netscape for a short while, the successor of Mosaic. It later became Mozilla and is now Firefox. So my experience runs deep. When you work with me, you’ll find I use the latest agile technologies and make use of all the best tools to give you the best site for the least amount of investment you’ll find anywhere.
For the most part, I use WordPress because of it’s ease of use (yes, you CAN maintain your own site if you wish), it’s expediency (I can put up a web site for you in an afternoon depending on the content) and for it’s return on investment. For two thousand dollars, you can have a completely functional, elegant, fast, easy to maintain site that you will be proud of!